Every time I go back here there is always something new to see in the Cat Warehouse. Fresh art probably only days old. This place is huge! Certainly an awesome urbexing location.
Urban Exploration Adelaide
Urban Exploring: Youth Training Centre
Due for demolition we had to get in quick to see this little gem. This complex has many sections – halls, woodworking, administration, automotive, sports, detention to name a few. Not only is this site rich in urban art but on display are some of the original artworks of former inmates – what a wonderful mix! No privacy existed in the large communal showers it seems. Truly a historical site and a must see before it goes.
wildstar Disused / Abandoned Buildings & Ruins, Urban Exploring (Urbex) Abandoned Building, Abandoned buildings Adelaide, Abandoned Places, Abandoned places in Adelaide, Adelaide, Adelaide Secrets, Adelaide Urbex, Photography, Unseen Adelaide, Urban Exploration Adelaide, Urban Exploring, Urbex, Youth Training Centre
Urban Exploring: The Cat Warehouse
The Cat Warehouse (AKA The Cat Factory) is a big place and you can be easily hemmed in once inside. Very large equipment was either repaired or manufactured here. Looking up toward the ceiling you notice a huge crane on a conveyor belt that can traverse the full length of the building. The exterior walls are painted with some brilliant urban artwork. Spend and hour or two in this place – you won’t be bored.
wildstar Disused / Abandoned Buildings & Ruins, Urban Exploring (Urbex) Abandoned Building, Abandoned buildings Adelaide, Abandoned Places, Abandoned places in Adelaide, Adelaide, Adelaide Secrets, Adelaide Urbex, Cat Factory, Cat Warehouse, Caterpillar Factory, Caterpillar Warehouse, Photography, Unseen Adelaide, Urban Exploration Adelaide, Urban Exploring, Urbex